The organization links quickly to IE7

To access websites and application programs more quickly, Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) allows them to be added to the link bar located in the View / Toolbars / Links menu.

This operation is quite simple, while browsing a website with good content, if you want to save the address of that website, users simply use the mouse to drag the address of the website to appear in the address bar Address and drop Go to View / Toolbars / Links. This also applies to shortcut icons of application software on the desktop. Then, right click on View / Toolbars / Links to rename the desired website or other applications, and reorder them to make them easy to see.

Picture 1 of The organization links quickly to IE7 Similarly, use the Organize Favorites / Links menu function to set up an affiliate organization and create sub-folders so that you can click on it to drop it down as a link menu, bringing convenience for future use.

IE 7 is the first browser with a green address bar, when accessing the website through it, the address bar on the browser will turn green if it is a secure website. The blue address bar is a new shield for users to fight phishing, a way to lure users to open fake websites, to look exactly like legitimate websites to steal personal information. However, the address bar on Internet Explorer 7 only turns green when the user accesses the website that contains an extended authentication certificate, also known as EV SSL, by Secure Socker Layer technology companies ( SSL) provided. IE 7 is the first browser to accept EV SSL standards.

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