The prophecy of Mrs. Vanga: Chemical war will break out

Ms. Vanga has made hundreds of predictions for 50 years, mostly predicting natural disasters or climate change.

Baba Vanga, a famous female prophet named "Nostradamus of the Balkan region". 85% of her predictions came true, and although she passed away in 1996 at the age of 85, she is still respected by many in Russia and Europe as a supernatural person.

Ms. Vanga has made hundreds of predictions for 50 years, mostly predicting natural disasters or climate change.

She warned about melting polar ice and rising sea temperatures from the 1950s, ie decades before the world knew about global warming.

Believers of Vanga believe her words clearly describe a "giant wave" that will collapse "the big coast, covering everyone and cities, submerging all into the water" as the first word. Prediction of the earthquake and tsunami disaster has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the Pacific in 2004.

Picture 1 of The prophecy of Mrs. Vanga: Chemical war will break out

Prophet Vanga.(Source: Mirror).

However, Vanga's prophecy of "a great Islamic war" is what makes believers, conspiracyists and anti-Muslim people believe that the end of the world is coming, because in the time Last time, the international community is struggling to cope with the escalating threat of self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) terrorists and related rebel groups.

Ms. Vanga warned that in 2016, Europe will be invaded by radical Islamists, and this invasion begins with the 2010 Spring Spring movement in Syria.

"Muslims will use chemical weapons against Europe" and build an Islamic state in 2043, taking Rome as a center. According to Ms Vanga, Europe we know will gradually die by the end of 2016. The entire population here will be destroyed, turning the old continent into "a land of death, where no form of life can exist." ".

In fact, the development of IS in the past has partly shown that the prophecy of Vanga is not entirely wrong. IS has approached Europe by capturing Sirte, a strategic city in Libya with Mediterranean views, where the dictator Gaddafi was born.

Sirte is currently a colony managed by IS in Islamic law (Sharia). The IS has built and strengthened its dominance here through the implementation of a series of public executions, with the number of people killed still a mystery.

This organization is also continuing to occupy many regions in Syria, despite the coalition bombing campaign carried out after a series of terrorist attacks in Paris last November.

For those who believe that the end of the world is coming very close, the prophecy of Vanga is as if opening up before them.

Ms. Vanga has the birth name Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova. She was born in the village of Strumica, a village located at the foot of a volcanic mountain that used to be an Ottoman empire.

According to folklore, she lived a normal life until she was 12 years old, when a monstrous storm struck and she was blown up into the sky by a gust of wind. Vanga's family found her a few days later, in the state of injured eyes tightly closed, covered with a thick layer of dirt and dirt. Due to being too poor, she could not cure her eyes and had to live in the darkness for the rest of her life.

Picture 2 of The prophecy of Mrs. Vanga: Chemical war will break out

IS rebels are increasingly scary.(Source: AP).

Later, Vanga confirmed that she had seen the future for the first time on the day she was swept up by the wind and missing. She believes she has been given the ability to treat people and predict the future. The surrounding people were persuaded by her supernatural powers and quickly formed a force of followers.

Vanga became a trusted prophet of the wealthy and powerful, among them the heads of state, scientists and historians from all over the world ready to come just a few minutes to hear the judgment yours.

The Bulgarian intelligence agency closely monitored her life, and Vanga's home, which took place countless times between her and foreign politicians and businessmen, was thought to have been fitted with a hearing aid. slip.

The prophecies of Vanga came true

  • The beginning and result of World War II.
  • Death of the Bulgarian King - Tsar Boris 3 (1918-1943).
  • The disintegration of Czechoslovakia (1992).
  • The 1968 violence in Lebanon.
  • 1979 war in Nicaragua.
  • The conflict in 1974 in CH Cyprus.
  • The election of Indira Gandhi and her death later.
  • The disintegration of the Soviet Union (1991).
  • The disintegration of the Yugoslav kingdom.
  • The union of East Germany and West Germany (October 1990), and the formation of Germany.
  • Boris Yeltsin's victory in the Russian presidential election.
  • Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine (4-1986).
  • Stalin's death day - the supreme leader of the Soviet Union (March 5, 1953).
  • The attack on the American twin towers on September 11, 2001.
  • The 44th President of the United States is colored.
  • Disaster sinks Russian submarine Kursk on August 12, 2000.
  • Conflicts in Syria.
  • The separation of Crimea from Ukraine.
  • The prophecies of Vanga about the future:
  • Peace will reign on the earth for 1000 years.People will realize the existence of the spiritual world.
  • Around 2020 trains will run on solar energy and the Earth mother will rest.
  • Around 2018-2020 scientists will conduct projects to produce helium 3 energy from space.
  • In 2050 humans will travel to a new world at a rate 10 times faster than the speed of light.
  • In the next 200 years, humanity will be able to connect with its brother from another planet.

Her prophecies of Vanga are not accurate

  • In 1978, the prophet Vanga predicted that there would be a world war III. This war began in November 2010 and ended in October 2014.
  • In December 2012, the whole world fluttered about Apocalypse - the day of human death. At that time, there were many points given by this prediction of Vanga. Many people believe that nuclear and chemical warfare in the prophecy of the blind old lady combined with a lot of explanations, the reason, the prophet's prediction will be the cause of the real world. " apocalypse "in December 2012.
  • The 1994 World Cup was the first and only time Vanga predicted a sporting event. She confirmed that the two soccer teams that won the 1994 World Cup final will have names beginning with "B". Until Bulgaria lost in the semi-final against Italy. The final result, Brazil won the gold cup in the final match. This shows that Vanga's prediction is only half true.
  • Prophet Vanga once predicted: "2014 - Most humans will suffer from festering, skin cancer and other skin diseases as a result of chemical warfare."
Update 18 December 2018



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