The prospect of the ocean returning to ancient times in 2100

An increase in acidity in seawater could turn modern oceans back to the state of 110 million years ago.

Divers in 2100 can be equipped with dinosaur listening skills in the Cretaceous period, according to a prediction from the new study of the University of Rhode Island (USA).

This is due to the increasing acidity of seawater, allowing some low-frequency sounds, such as "whale songs" , to travel at twice the distance of normal.

Picture 1 of The prospect of the ocean returning to ancient times in 2100
The sea is being pushed back to the state it was
110 million years - (Photo: National Science Foundation)

'We call this phenomenon the Cretaceous sound effect , because the global warming process has accelerated sea acidification, it seems we are being pushed back to the time when the ocean is in The sound transmission is like the sea 110 million years ago, in the era of dinosaurs , "Wired quoted David G. Browning, an acoustics expert at the University of Rhode Island.

The ocean tends to be acidified when the CO2 content in the air increases. When a part of the greenhouse gas enters the seawater, during the breakdown process, the acidity in the sea water increases.

Specialist Browning and his colleagues had predicted that the low-frequency sound propagation of the high seas is now the same as it was 300 million years ago, in the Paleozoic era.

However, the concentration of acid in seawater is increasing over time, with the acidification rate faster than any other period during the past 300 million years, according to US experts.