The reason you should consider before using probiotic preparations

Bacteria were once thought to be harmful to health, until probiotic preparations appeared. Nowadays, many people prefer to use probiotic preparations because it is good for health. But recent research shows that it also has serious side effects.

In the new Augusta University study, researchers found a link between the use of probiotics and the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine and the symptoms of "brain fog" (brain fog). - ambiguous feeling, unable to focus on work). In this study, patients said they always felt headache, trouble concentrating and often felt bloated. Researchers have discovered many large bacterial colonies that reproduce in the small intestine of patients with high D-lactic acid content due to fermentation in their food.

Satish SC Rao stomach researcher explained: "What we know now is probiotic bacteria that have the special ability to break down sugar structures and produce D-lactic acid. So when probiotic bacteria are born boiling in the small intestine will increase the risk of lactic acidosis (lactic acidosis) and brain fog ".

Picture 1 of The reason you should consider before using probiotic preparations
People should not use probiotic preparations indiscriminately.

Probably the probiotic bacteria must work in the colon, not in the small intestine or stomach. But if they get stuck there and start to multiply quickly, the consequences are very serious.

D-lactic acid is toxic to brain cells and can affect people's ability to perceive, think and feel time.

In this study, the researchers found that some patients had two to three times higher levels of D-lactic acid in the blood, leading to brain swelling that could last for hours after eating and in some cases so heavy that I had to quit my job. Sometimes, impacts occur in a very short period of time. The team found a patient with brain dysfunction and flatulence within just a minute after eating.

Rao said: "We have witnessed them firsthand."

Of course, not everyone has the same symptoms when taking probiotic preparations and not all of them are the same.

But Rao said through the patient's experience that his research team has been clinically observing for 3 years that people should not use probiotic preparations indiscriminately, without consulting doctors. level.

" Probiotic preparations should be considered a drug, not a supplement, " he said.

Fortunately, those symptoms do not last forever. When patients feel tired and bloated, they will be treated with antibiotics, stop taking probiotic preparations and stay away from probiotic foods like yogurt. Symptoms will be relieved at a fairly fast pace.

The study was published in Nature.