The reverse side of dried fruit

Many people argue that dried fruits are good for heart and weight loss, but actually the opposite, even experts recommend that you not eat them.

Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lam - Deputy Director of the National Institute of Nutrition said the most important characteristic of fresh fruits is to provide vitamins, water and minerals. And dried fruit is processed by removing water.

In essence, dried fruits still provide energy and sugar powder. High energy is not good for overweight, obese, diabetic subjects. This is even more dangerous when the dried fruit is light in weight while the energy is still high, making it difficult for the person to control the intake of the stomach.

However, many current advertisements spread about the cardiovascular effects as well as the fat reduction of this snack. Professor Lam affirmed, this is completely contradictory.

Picture 1 of The reverse side of dried fruit
When dried, vitamins in fruits almost disappear.

"If talking about the effect of slimming and good for the cardiovascular system of dried fruits, it may be only partly in the aspect of providing fiber. But with that amount of fiber is powdered sugar. Normally 100g will provide 100kcal, equivalent to 30 minutes of walking to consume that amount of energy, but when eating you can easily eat a few dry bananas, not to mention that they are soaked in sugar. , dried fruit really has a lot of energy, eating carelessly can cause overweight, obesity, then the body will develop cardiovascular disease, " said Associate Professor Lam.

Dried fruits no longer have vitamins

Add another minus point, Associate Professor Lam said, when drying, vitamins in fruits almost disappear completely.

" Fruits mainly provide vitamin C , but when dried and left for a long time they will no longer exist. In addition, they can also have vitamins B1 and B2 but through the preservation process, these vitamins all return to zero. In summary, dried fruit only helps with appetite and provides sugar powder, we recommend that people with diabetes should not eat this kind, but should only provide sugar powder from rice, corn, sweet potato, "Professor Lam recommends. .

Accordingly, all foods, especially fruits and vegetables under the influence of temperature, lose vitamins. For example, fresh vegetables, boiled in water also lose 50-70% of vitamins, if not eaten immediately, they will completely dissolve.

As for pink-colored fruits, carrots containing betacarotene when added to the body, converted into vitamin A or kept in pure form also have antioxidant effects but not significantly.