The robot lifts the object 50 times its weight

US experts have announced a new invention called "muscle" robots, 1,000 times stronger than human muscles and can lift objects weighing 50 times more than its own weight.

Picture 1 of The robot lifts the object 50 times its weight
A piece of 50 micron robot - (photo: LBNL)

After several Hollywood films portrayed the Terminator-Terminator-Terminator-like war , scientists also succeeded in developing robots with superior capabilities.

This breakthrough invention is based on a material called vanadium dioxide , with unique capabilities such as size, shape and structure when heated.

Experts at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have used vanadium dioxide to create a torsion-type motor, which works like a human but differs in strength and speed.

The vanadium is capable of lifting heavy loads five times as long as 60 milliseconds, according to a report on

However, there is no need to be afraid of the prospect of robots as powerful as Hercules invaded the planet, as the prototype robot stopped making microphones.