Use a robot to remove objects in the stomach
Researchers have built a micro-robot capable of getting into the stomach to remove foreign objects, such as daisies, that children accidentally swallow.
This robot has an external appearance like a capsule pill. After being swallowed into the stomach, the capsule opens to form a mini robot to do its job. If a child misses a pin, he can take this "robot" , then the object will be removed. Even, this robot has the ability to patch the wound.
Robots fit in the hand.(Source: according to ZD Net).
This mini robot is the latest technological achievement developed by a team of international researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT - USA), Sheffield University of England and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan).
The director of MIT's Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory, Daniela Rus, who has been working on creating micro-robots for many years and headed this project, said the creation of a swallowable robot Abdominal poses a number of significant challenges.
"In order for it to work inside the body, we need a very small and easy-to-control robot. It's not easy to control a robot inside the body if it's tied," said Rus.
Therefore, the manufacturing team has attached this robot to an attached magnet and its movement is controlled by magnetic sources from the outside.
The robot can move along a surface like a measuring worm: shrinking itself, then stretching and crawling away. Because the stomach is full of fluids, the robot can also swim in it, Rus said.
The group will present its research at the International Robot and Automation Conference in Stockholm, Sweden on May 16-21.
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