The 'crab' robot helps to remove stomach cancer

Researchers have successfully developed a crab-shaped miniature robot with a pincer and a hook, which can remove early gastric cancer without leaving any marks. scarred

Picture 1 of The 'crab' robot helps to remove stomach cancer
Crab bobbins with pliers, hooks will remove cancerous tissue without scarring.

This robot was designed by Singapore Institute of Technology Engineers and Aerospace Engineers, inspired by Singapore's famous chili crab dish, after a seafood dinner in 2004.

It has an endoscope, which enters the gut of the patient through the mouth. It will then use the pliers and hooks to cut the cancer tissue, and then use drugs to stop the bleeding.

Surgeons can monitor and manipulate the robot via the screen thanks to its minimally invasive camera. Using this surgical robot can help patients get rid of the scars and the risk of infection.

Stomach cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide and is particularly prevalent in East Asia. On the other hand, the diagnosis of stomach cancer is usually done in the late stage leading to very difficult treatment and often unsuccessful.