The roof is made of waste in India

Roofs are made from cheap, recyclable waste that is produced to help the poor live in slums.

This is, Modroof, made from very cheap cost, produced to help the poor live in the slums.

Modroof was developed by Rematerials, an Indian startup company. The roofing is made of a mixture of hard cover, packaging and recyclable agricultural waste.

Picture 1 of The roof is made of waste in India

Modroof Roof.

There are about 1 billion people living in slums around the world with sloppy, unsafe roofs made from cheap, quality and even toxic materials. . Things that are easily blown away by thunderstorms and strong winds.

Fiber cement roofing can also cause indoor temperatures to rise to as high as 46 degrees Celsius, leaving the elderly and children at high risk of thermal shock.

The Modulof roof has a durability of up to 20 years and is well tolerated. Non-fire roof and waterproof. Modroof also costs much less, just a tenth of that of a concrete roof.

The company says it has a special version that integrates photovoltaic cells that convert solar energy into electricity enough to light and charge the phone.

Rematerials hope their products can be extended globally to support and help the poor.

Update 12 December 2018



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