The secret of Albert Einstein's stormy affairs

Not many people know that Albert Einstein, the mathematical and physical genius, one of the symbols of the 20th century humanity, had an extremely complex love life, with out-of-line and left-handed relations. .

Not many people know that Albert Einstein, the mathematical and physical genius, one of the symbols of the 20th century humanity, had an extremely complex love life, with out-of-line and left-handed relations. .

>>>10 Einstein's philosophy of life

The letters Einstein wrote to his wives and mistresses revealed 'darkness' in the private life of one of the most famous and famous scientists in the world.

When he was young, Einstein often wrote love letters to his classmate Mileva Marić, an intelligent and assertive woman who later became his wife. Their relationship begins with a passionate passion, despite unintended pregnancy before marriage and Einstein's parents' objections.

The couple had a lot of time away from each other. In letters to each other, Einstein and Marić wrote about love for 'the other half' , interspersed with enthusiastic discussions of science and mathematical formulas.

Einstein and Marić lived for about 10 years. During this time, Einstein's career flourished and he published the theory of relativity and revolution.

Picture 1 of The secret of Albert Einstein's stormy affairs

Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna, Austria in 1921. (Photo: wikipedia)

However, Einstein's first marriage began to malfunction and the moon-flower scientist approached his cousin Elsa in 1912, to complain about his wife's depression and jealousy.

When Marić refused to divorce, Einstein wrote a list of terms and claims for continued cohabitation: 'You will have to make sure that all my clothes and laundry are kept neat; that I will regularly serve 3 meals in my room; that my bedroom and study area must be neat, and especially my desk only let me use it '.

Einstein also asked Marić to give up all personal relationships with him, not expecting any closeness and stop talking to her husband if he asked for it.

After all, Marić and Einstein divorced on February 14, 1919, after being separated for five years. Einstein held a wedding with Elsa on June 2, 1919. However, letters from Elsa's daughter alluded to, the famous scientist had difficulty deciding whether to marry his mother or daughter.

In this second marriage, Einstein still kept the mood and had more outside relationships. However, he remained faithful to one thing: physics. Einstein's letters show his insecurity of his own hypotheses, similar to the feelings for 'shadows' in his life. Many times, he believed he had found the right answer, but immediately rejected it.

The attempt to find a unified theory that could explain every space and time in Einstein's universe is reflected in his personal life, and continues until his death.

Einstein once claimed, he sold himself, both body and soul, to science. However, science genius still has many similarities to the rest of us. His everyday life is full of shortcomings and is easily tempted.

'Such an outstanding talent needs to be irresponsible in every respect. But the natural world does not behave that way. Naturally giving wildness and taking away is also very strange , 'Elsa wrote about her husband in a letter.

Update 15 December 2018



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