The skeleton of 100 million-year-old swordfish has oversized teeth

Two families in the suburbs of Queensland, Australia, found extremely rare bones dating to 100 million years of ancient swordfish.

Picture 1 of The skeleton of 100 million-year-old swordfish has oversized teeth
Three meter long swordfish fossils were found on the outskirts of Queensland, Australia.(Photo: Patrick Smith.)

The Johnston and Amos families in Richmond town in northwest Queensland, found bones rising in the middle of a rock in a BBC free-fossil search area yesterday. The fossil is believed to belong to the extinct Australopachycormus hurleyi , a predator like a three meter long swordfish with oversized teeth.

At first, Johnston's family did not know about fossils well. " We thought it was the teeth of a giant reptile, because it was very large and had a cone , " Mirjam Johnston. "It was not until the evening, when we showed the bone to a fossil lover with the camp, that we realized it was the tip of a fish's nose."

Tony and Gail Amos's family returned to the area a week later and found the remains of the fish including the skull and the front fins. " When I shoveled the ground, I didn't expect to see such a complete skeleton. I scooped up the soil and saw the skeleton everywhere , " Tony said.

The fossil skeleton is delivered to the local Kronosaurus Korner museum."What makes this specimen so special is that it is quite complete. We know this is a carnivore upstairs. It specializes in hunting a large fast-swimming fish close to marlin fish , " said Dr Patrick Smith, manager. museum, said.