Video: Almost lost his life because of swordfish

A fisherman in the state of Florida, USA, was almost hit by the spear of a swordfish when the fish caught and suddenly jumped on the boat.

Florida fishermen fishing off the coast of the Dominican Republic caught an aggressive swordfish weighing nearly 160kg. During the sentence, the panicked swordfish jumped from the sea onto the ship and nearly hit a fisherman with a sharp nose.

Fishermen said they intend to release fish to the sea but it died due to injuries so they decided to give fish to other fishermen.

According to National Geographic, this is a blue swordfish Marlin, one of the largest fish in the world. The green Marlin swordfish is larger than the male with a maximum length of 4m, weighing up to 2 tons. This is considered the fastest moving fish in the ocean.

Currently, the number of blue Marlin swordfish is in danger of declining when overfished due to being considered a favorite dish of many.