Australia- Fishermen were surprised to catch a swordfish full of holes, the culprit is likely a special species of shark.

It took a group of fishermen nearly 3 hours to pull the 436.2 kg swordfish onto the ship off the coast of Australia.

Recently, a member named XQQ shared on the photoshoot a picture of his father's night fishing trip and had

According to News.com.au, George Lirantzis and three friends found a giant swordfish 436.2kg off Mallacoota, south of New South Wales-Victoria.

Accordingly, around 5:30 am on June 3, Mr. Dang Hung, a fisherman from Ngoai Hoa village, Hai Trach commune, Bo Trach district, while catching a fish net near the shore, found two

The top 10 fastest swimming fishes in the world is one of the most frightening swimming fish, with a slender body and special skin texture.

The giant swordfish weighed nearly 310kg soon after being sold to a market by a trader.

The skin of this creature may blink in color, from blue to invisible in an instant.

Biologists say that the main food of the swordfish is ant, beetle, tailed bug (springtail) and flies, if these insects accidentally fall into the water. However, the main

Two families in the suburbs of Queensland, Australia, found extremely rare bones dating to 100 million years of ancient swordfish.