The species that is capable of 'dying' makes scientists 'headaches'

The secret of dried grass in the drought suddenly becomes green when it rains has led scientists to suffer for years.

There is a very special grass in Australia. When drought, they are dried and dead, but when it comes to the rainy season, they are resurrected and green as good as usual. After years of research, scientists finally believed they had found the mystery.

The life of the tree is extremely miraculous. Some species are noticeable when it can survive in the desert without needing water for months or even years. They slowly turned into withered trees until they were supplied with some water. Strangely, with just a little water, they will turn green again after a few hours to a few days.

But how can these plants create this magic? Australian scientists began to conduct research on a species whose scientific name is Tripogon loliiformis .

Picture 1 of The species that is capable of 'dying' makes scientists 'headaches'
Scientists have discovered the secret of this exotic grass.

Like other resurgent plants, T. loliiformis has long-term tolerance to drought. Existing in the absence of water, they become wilted and fade away, they look like they have completely died. But that's not really its death, even after losing 95% of its water content, the grass is still capable of thriving again when it is supplied with water. How they regenerate like that. Are they waking up after a long sleep or growing up from old cells?

According to research team led by Sagadevan Mundree Professor and Dr. Brett Williams, the secret of revitalized grass is sugar . The easter grass stock stores an amount of trehalose sugar in the body. This type of sugar is often found in mushrooms on rye and some other grasses. When they feel dehydrated, easter grass will automatically store trehalose and control it to activate the resurrection process when necessary.

This process is also called autophagy , preventing the cell from dying by regenerating nutrients, eliminating toxins that are harmful to the body. With only a little water, with the amount of trehalose sugar available, the cell will be activated and grown again.

According to Dr. Williams, this is an important step in the process of genetic research, enabling scientists to develop stronger plant varieties that can withstand the unusual changes of climate but still gives maximum productivity.