The strange phenomenon appeared on the day Empress Dowager Cixi was born, foreshadowing the fall of the Qing Dynasty

When Empress Dowager Cixi was born, book

When Empress Dowager Cixi was born, the book "Thuan Thien Phu Chi" recorded: "In the 15th year of Dao Quang, in the 10th month of At Mui, the crows gathered, and did not disperse for 3 days" .

In ancient Chinese society, people strongly believed in the connection between heaven, earth and humans. They believe that many strange natural phenomena or astronomical phenomena predict the rise and fall of dynasties.

For example, the phenomenon of "seven stars in the continent" - meaning that when someone is born with a Ky Lan, Dragon or Thousand-year Magic Turtle, it is said to have an extraordinary future.

Picture 1 of The strange phenomenon appeared on the day Empress Dowager Cixi was born, foreshadowing the fall of the Qing Dynasty

Empress Dowager Cixi (1833-1908).

However, on the day Empress Dowager Cixi was born, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky of Dai Thanh that made everyone afraid.

The book "Thuan Thien Phu Chi" records: "In the 15th year of Dao Quang, in the 10th month of At Mui, the crows and gods gathered, not dispersing for 3 days." It means that in the 15th year of Dao Quang, on the 10th day of the 10th lunar month, a flock of black crows covered the sky , refusing to dissipate for 3 days. On that day, Cixi was born.

Also according to many information, when Empress Dowager Cixi was born, she did not cry for 3 days and 3 nights. People in the family thought she was mute or had a strange disease, worried that they wouldn't be able to feed her. At the same time, many black crows appeared in Tu Hi's backyard, covering the sky, continuously chirping in the yard. While Tu Hi did not cry for 3 days and 3 nights, this crow kept calling non-stop.

Furthermore, according to historical records, a flock of crows also flew around the Forbidden City, flying back and forth, finally stopping in the sky over Zhonghai and Nam Hai in the Forbidden City. When the people witnessed this, they all said that the person who put an end to the Qing Dynasty was born, this dynasty would not last much longer. But Emperor Dao Quang at that time considered it a rare good omen. He was very happy, even holding a big banquet for his officials for 3 consecutive days.

Picture 2 of The strange phenomenon appeared on the day Empress Dowager Cixi was born, foreshadowing the fall of the Qing Dynasty

Black crows filled the sky on the day Cixi was born - (Illustration).

The reason is that the Manchus follow Shamanism. In this religion, crows are sacred birds, symbols of luck and good omens. Furthermore, in Jurchen legends, crows once saved their ancestors. Therefore, when many crows appeared and flew around the Forbidden City, Emperor Dao Quang considered it a rare auspicious omen for hundreds of years. But he did not know that the good omen he was celebrating was a 'signal' that would push the Qing Dynasty towards destruction.

Later, Tu Hi grew up and became beautiful. Furthermore, her Diep Hac Na La family was very large at that time and had been mandarins for many generations. Tu Hi was very well educated from a young age, knowledgeable about poetry, literature, and etiquette, so she stood out in the concubine selection of Dao Quang's son - Ham Phong. Later, she became the favored concubine of Emperor Ham Phong.

Cixi gave birth to Ham Phong's only son, so after his death, she initiated a coup, took control of Dai Qing and ruled the country for 47 years. It was Cixi's 47 years in power that caused Dai Qing to miss opportunity after reform and revival, leading the dynasty further on the path to collapse.

Not only when she was born, even after Empress Dowager Cixi passed away, there were many rumors about mysterious phenomena occurring.

Continuous thunder and lightning

According to historical records, on the day of Empress Dowager Cixi's funeral, the weather became unusual. Sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's rainy, there's even lightning in the clear sky. Everyone believes that this is God's dissatisfaction with Queen Mother Ci Hi. Many people even think that this is a bad omen, foreshadowing bad things about to happen.

However, historians believe that the erratic weather is simply a natural phenomenon and has nothing to do with the death of Empress Dowager Cixi.

Vivid figure

There were many rumors about votive figures decorating Empress Dowager Cixi's funeral. Those present at the funeral said that the dolls of soldiers and horses suddenly became lifelike, making everyone afraid.

Current historians explain that this is just a psychological effect. The reason they become strange is because these votive papers only tremble in the wind, causing people to hallucinate.

Picture 3 of The strange phenomenon appeared on the day Empress Dowager Cixi was born, foreshadowing the fall of the Qing Dynasty

At Empress Dowager Cixi's funeral, many strange things happened that made everyone scared - (Photo: Sohu).

Blood leaked from the coffin

There are many rumors that during Empress Dowager Cixi's funeral, a lot of blood flowed from her coffin, staining the ground red. Historians believe that it could be liquid leaking from the coffin, making people mistakenly think it was blood. There are also opinions that this phenomenon is just a fiction to scare people.

The body does not decompose

After Empress Dowager Cixi died many years, Ton Dien Anh led soldiers to her grave to steal gold, silver and jewels. However, when they opened the coffin, they were extremely frightened because Empress Dowager Cixi's body was still intact, just looking like she was sleeping. This makes grave robbers extremely scared.

However, the correct answer is that some chemicals from the ancient embalming method caused the Queen Mother's body to be well preserved. Historians also said that ancient people often used mercury or wax to embalm bodies, so the bodies were difficult to decompose.

Mysterious night pearl

Also according to rumors, Ton Dien Anh was not afraid at that time, what he wanted was the night pearl placed in the mouth of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Suddenly, as soon as the night pearl was taken out, the body of Empress Dowager Cixi suddenly withered and rotted. Many grave robbers, unable to keep calm, abandoned their belongings and ran ahead.

Today's science proves that, after opening the coffin, Empress Dowager Cixi's body was exposed to air, so it oxidized and rotted. That night pearl could not have activated the mysterious function that caused the body to change like that.

Empress Dowager Cixi (1833-1908) was originally the favored concubine of Thanh Van Tong Han Phong Emperor. She became Empress Dowager when Emperor Hanfeng died in 1861 and from then on acted as regent during the reigns of her two children, Emperor Tongzhi, Emperor Guangxu and her nephew Emperor Xuantong. She was considered the real power of the Qing court for 47 years.

In 1908, when Empress Dowager Cixi and King Guangxu both fell seriously ill. After he entered the palace for three days, King Quang Tu and Tu Hy passed away one after another.

On December 2, 1908, Pu Yi officially ascended the throne, taking the title Tuyen Thong, the last king of the Chinese feudal dynasty.

On February 12, 1912, the 276-year Qing Dynasty in China officially ended with the abdication decree of Queen Mother Long Yu. With the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the royal family changed their surnames one by one to avoid being captured. Not only the royal family, the Bat Ky Manchu nobles also had to change their surnames to avoid unpredictable dangers.

Update 26 May 2024



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