The strange syndrome caused the hand to attack its master

People with this rare syndrome can strangle themselves.

The human body is a perfect creation of nature. But after a lot of effort and effort of science, humanity has only understood a very small part of the human body. Things that have not been deciphered are always the driving force that we explore, delve deeper.

And then, we will come to such a phenomenon. It is called: Alien Hand Syndrome - an extremely rare syndrome, when only 50 cases of illness have appeared in history.

Strange Syndrome - your hand is controlled by someone hiding your face

Picture 1 of The strange syndrome caused the hand to attack its master
People with this syndrome will lose complete control of a certain limb on the body.

This syndrome was first recorded in 1908 by the German neurologist Kurt Goldstein . Basically, people with this syndrome will lose complete control of a certain limb on the body. That is, their hands or feet will move as if something is controlled, even though they themselves are completely awake.

They are aware of the movement of this department, but there is no way to master it. The "irreverent" component may be a hand or a leg, but most fall into the left hand or unacceptable hand of the patient.

This "above-said and not-heard" phenomenon not only causes fear and panic, but also many other ominous things. For example, naturally your hands . turn over, touch your body, fling things. And that is light, because sometimes that hand can become violent. There have been cases where the arms repeatedly slapped or even strangled their own owners and those around them.

However, there are patients who share that they feel this hand is also quite lovely, when it deliberately prevents them from drinking, smoking or doing things that are harmful to their health. Some people even name it, and live with this "friend" peacefully.

Picture 2 of The strange syndrome caused the hand to attack its master
But most patients find ways to control the unjust hand.

Mild patients can restrain this arm's action somewhat if they are really trying. In the less fortunate cases, the hands of the protesters were angrily and fiercely, so much so that they only lacked the desire to cut them away (though no one had done them).

Decoding words

So far, the scientific community has not yet agreed with a single theory. However, they offer several possibilities for this syndrome, and all involve brain damage .

  1. The first possibility might be the corpus luteum - the nerve strip that bridges the two hemispheres of the brain. Scientists discovered this when they found that the number of patients suddenly increased significantly in the decade after 1940 - the time when medicine was still treating epilepsy by removing the bottle.
  2. The second possibility is that the patient may have a frontal lobe injury - an area that is very important in controlling rational actions.
  3. The last possibility is sequelae after stroke, psychological trauma, due to a tumor in the brain, or neurodegeneration leading to an aneurysm in the brain . Although these lesions have different symptoms and causes, they are capable of leading to "alien hands" if they affect one of the three regions: the prefrontal cortex, the bottle or the apical lobe.

Picture 3 of The strange syndrome caused the hand to attack its master
The location of the injury may also affect the behavior of the defective hand.

So in the end, do we have any solution for this syndrome?

Usually, each patient will choose for himself or herself, based on the doctor's instructions. It may be using chemicals such as NMB that cause neuromuscular paralysis , injection of boxtox to weaken the limb fault, or use sedation.

Many people choose psychological solutions such as creating "jobs" for the hand to distract it, by holding or playing something. When the hand is still determined to cause trouble, many people try to order it verbally, or use . force.

A lot of options, but sadly, all can only restrain it, not cure it. Scientists are still working hard - but the answer is that it will take a while for them to appear.