The strongest insect in the world

The latest research by biologists shows that the Onthophagus taurus beetle can pull 1,141 times its body weight, which is equivalent to a 70-kg person lifting 6 double-decker buses full of passengers.

Onthophagus taurus is not a common dung beetle. The burial work (animal manure) is mainly done by the children, and the male only helps 'one nail'.

Children built small tunnels, pushed cattle dung and laid eggs in it. The tunnel is also the place where the beetle after the males fight each other to gain access to the 'finals'.

However, not all males are equipped with 'sword swords'. Those without horns have to wait at the cellar or tunnel (digging themselves), then secretly plunge into the "rain cloud" before being detected by the male with horns.

Picture 1 of The strongest insect in the world

Onthophagus taurus can pull 1.141 times body weight.Photo: Alex Wild

Males with horns will plunge into the head of the enemy, pushing out.'They clung like wrestling but just pushed forward, pushing back in the tunnel. One is trying to move, one is trying to stay , ' says Rob Knell at the University of London (UK).

Weak but healthy sex

In their study, Knell and Leigh Simmons from the University of Western Australia (Australia) recreated the beetle's epic battles. First, they feed the beetles with horns, eat less or catch fasting.

To test the power of insects, the researchers tied a cotton thread behind each bug before dropping them into the tiny tunnel in the lab. When a beetle is in the tunnel, the researchers pull the thread so they have to press their legs down as if fighting for 'girls'.

Males with horns that eat well will become much healthier than their peers who eat less. And the power of a male without horns does not increase even if they are well fed. However, their testicles are much larger.

'Males without horns are not aggressive and have little chance of coping with females. Therefore, they must focus on investing in testicles to give as many sperm as possible to their partners, ' Knell explained.