The syndrome looks strange dragon dragon

After a few minutes, in the eyes of the woman, the human face turned black, long, pointed ears, eyes, and skin full of dragon scales.

After a few minutes, in the eyes of the woman, the human face turned black, long, pointed ears, eyes, and skin full of dragon scales.

Strange syndrome looks at the dragon

Rare hallucinations make the 52-year-old woman look at the human face like a dragon's face. Strange and frightening images continue to happen, the Dutch woman has to go to a psychiatric clinic in 2011.

' She was conscious and recognized faces, but after only a few minutes, her face gradually turned black and long with pointed ears, muzzle and scaly skin like reptiles. She also saw huge yellow, green, blue or red eyes , "the Anglo-Dutch Dutch team wrote on The Lancet.

Picture 1 of The syndrome looks strange dragon dragon

Women's hallucinations are so rare that experienced doctors have never encountered them.(Photo: Foxnews)

Brain scans and blood tests do not give any unusual results, the woman is completely healthy. Doctors diagnosed her with Prosopometamorphopsia, a psychosis that distorts her ability to receive facial images. The strange hallucinations of this woman are so rare that they are embarrassing even experienced doctors

' She saw dragon-like faces coming to me many times from walls, power outlets or computer screens even without the presence of any face images in front of her. At night, she saw the dragon faces appearing in the dark ' , scientists describe.

With the efforts of doctors, hallucinations are controlled after the woman is assigned to use rivastigmine, a drug for the treatment of dementia.

Update 15 December 2018



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