The technology of looking through the wall is real

But of course, we have to use a special device to be able to do that.

But of course, we have to use a special device to be able to do that.

Technology through the wall has become a reality

"Looking through the wall" is something more mentioned in movies and games than real life. But the research efforts of researchers at RMIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Department have changed that. Now we can know exactly who is in the next room and what they are doing.

Maybe many of you will think of using thermometers to do that. No, the method works better and of course there will be no interference with different heat sources. Called RF-Capture , the new device will use wireless signals (you can understand it like a wifi) to do this. It will broadcast wave signals through this wall and receive feedback waves - just like the current depth of submarines.

Picture 1 of The technology of looking through the wall is real

RF-Capture's operating principle is also quite understandable. All waves after being emitted will have feedback from different positions of a body on the other side of the wall. Whether the person is standing still, moving, RF-Capture will quickly receive the corresponding signals.

The remaining work is for special processing algorithms to assemble these data into specific information. During the study, they reached a level where they could identify a handwriting in the air of a person in the next room.

This technology has been implemented by RMIT researchers for many years. In 2013, they used a technology similar to radio waves to determine movement on the other side of a barrier (like a wall). Now RF-Capture is powerful enough to correctly define a human's shape with greater accuracy of 90%. It can even distinguish 15 different people in the same room, and determine their breath, heart rate.

Describe how RF-Capture works.

According to the researchers, they expect to use the technology to track lonely elderly people (quite common in developed countries) in their homes. In this way, people will know when they have health problems, or even fall down.

Of course, to prevent technology from being abused in tracking others, researchers are also creating regulations to use for this technology. Because if it is abused by someone, we will have to really worry for our own freedom.

Update 12 December 2018



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