The three most popular hand symbols in the world

Never let your countrymen turn their eyes in wonder when we make a certain symbol of harmless hand.

Never let your countrymen turn their eyes in wonder when we make a certain symbol of harmless hand. Because in each different culture, these symbols have a meaning that is not the same.

1. Circle symbol

Picture 1 of The three most popular hand symbols in the world

In Japan, the symbol OK means money

This is a very popular symbol in the United States in the early 19th century. At this time, newspapers began to prefer initials in common phrases. Typically, the word 'OK'. Some people believe that it is the abbreviation for 'all correct' (all is fine) but often mistakenly written as 'oll correct' . While others claim that it is a "knock-out" counter-meaning, "KO" . But obviously, the circle itself represents the letter 'O' in the 'OK' sign. The meaning of 'OK' became popular in the English-speaking community and quickly spread everywhere thanks to American television and movies.

However, this symbol has different origins and meanings in some places:

In France and Belgium, 'OK' means zero or worthless. For example, when you go to a French restaurant, if the staff asks if your seat is okay and you sign OK, they will move the table to help you.

In Japan, the symbol 'OK' means money. If you do business in Japan and make this sign with 'Yes' or 'Accept' , Japanese people may think you are asking them to bribe.

In some Mediterranean countries, this is a sign often used to refer to gay men.

The Turks think you call him a fool. In Arab countries, it is rarely used because it is considered a sign of threats or profanity.

2. Sign up thumbs up

Picture 2 of The three most popular hand symbols in the world

In Australia, the thumbs up signifies that you are looking for a ride

In countries strongly influenced by British culture such as Australia, America, South Africa, Singapore and New Zealand, three thumbs up signify: waving the car, 'OK' and a swearing sentence . In Greece, the forward thumb means 'Disappear'.

In addition, when Europeans count from 1 to 5, they use the thumb pointing up with the meaning '1' , the index finger is '2'. Meanwhile most English speakers count 'number 1' with the index finger and 'number 2' with the middle finger. In this case, the thumb up will represent ' number 5'.

Besides, the thumb is also used to express power or when someone controls us. Explaining this, it is believed that the thumb is more flexible and has more power than the other fingers.

3. Notation V

Picture 3 of The three most popular hand symbols in the world

A familiar victory symbol in many countries

This symbol is very popular in Austrailia, New Zealand and the UK, meaning a swearing sentence if the palm is inward. In the meantime, the palm facing outwards when making the symbol 'V' represents 'victory'.

In some European countries, the V-shaped sign with the palm facing in still means victory. Therefore, the fact that an Englishman uses this sign to provoke the Germans may make the Germans think that they are the winners.

In some other European countries, this symbol means 'number 2' . So if an alcoholic worker here is insulted by British or Australians with a V symbol, it is understandable when he gives them two beers.

Update 18 December 2018



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