The tomb saw the dead in America

At Evergreen Cemetery in the United States there is a special grave, built with a glass in the middle so visitors can see the face of the dead under the coffin.

Evergreen Cemetery in West River, south of Vermont State, USA has a grave that any visitor who wants to visit here. It is the eternal resting place of Dr. Timothy Clark Smith.

Picture 1 of The tomb saw the dead in America
The tomb of Dr. Timothy Clark Smith at Evergreen Cemetery, USA.(Photo: Amusing).

The tomb was simply built, just a square block of concrete, rising higher than the ground. In the middle of this tomb is a glass, looking straight down to the coffin. Today, when we look through this glass we see nothing. But from 1893 onwards, visitors can see the decaying face of the doctor in the coffin.

Timothy Clark Smith is a doctor, diplomat and traveling around the world. Smith received his medical degree from New York University in 1855, underwent jobs such as US surgeons, consulates in Russia, Romania, teachers and finance ministry staff.

Smith died on the Halloween night of 1893, and was buried in a tomb specifically for him. This tomb has a glass door looking straight down at the face of the dead so that every day people pass by and look down, see if the dead will come back to life. In Smith's hand there was also a bell to signal to the outside world, if he suddenly came back to life.

Picture 2 of The tomb saw the dead in America
His grave lies on a high mound.(Photo: Amusing).

Throughout his life, he has a great fear, which is buried alive . In the past, there were many cases where people fell into coma or slept deeply and woke up after many days, years later. However, they were horrified to discover that they had been buried alive, because the family members thought the patient was dead. That's why, Smith designed his grave with glass doors.

One of the famous cases of being buried alive is Scottish philosopher John Duns Scotus. He was often in a coma and his family members were mistaken for death. After the Scotus family opened his tomb, they realized his body was outside the coffin. The hands were injured and bloody due to trying to break the exit door.

The Times also reported on the case in 1886, a Canadian girl named Collins, and her body was found in a twitching state, shroud torn to pieces. It is believed that Collins was resurrected, and sought to escape the coffin.

In the face of people's obsession with being buried alive, many coffin manufacturing companies have come up with safe solutions. Accordingly, the coffin is designed so that the dead if there is a sudden resurrection can still inform the outside world. Many designs were invented in the 18th and 19th centuries but were not effective.