The truth about the effect of headphones on hearing

If the sound is loud, constantly stirring your ears, it may be the cause of noise-induced hearing loss .

This explains why people who work on construction or at airports wear protective headphones to prevent noise.

The sound reception mechanism of the ear is as follows: When a sound source is very large, such as an explosion, or repeated sounds, such as factory noise or electric guitar, go through the ear canal of you, hit the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates, causing vibrations in the small bones in the middle ear, then creating liquid waves in a deeper structure called the cochlea. These waves move tiny hairs, convert the sound into electrical impulses that travel to your brain, tell it what you're hearing. Large waves can sometimes damage small hairs; And they most likely never grow back.

Picture 1 of The truth about the effect of headphones on hearing
Choose a "friendly" headset with your precious ears.(Photo: Maildaily)

Working in the office or the library makes many people have a habit of wearing headphones with great volume to focus and overwhelm outside noise. However, when exposed to long or repeated sounds at levels equal to or more than 85 decibels may cause hearing loss. A regular MP3 player has a maximum volume of more than 100 decibels. That warns those who listen to headphones at the highest volume on a regular basis.

Noise-induced hearing loss cannot lead to deafness but it can cause permanent damage to the eardrum. If you find it hard to hear the replies in the crowd or can't detect higher notes in a message board, it may be a sign of noise-induced hearing loss.

The best way to protect your precious ears is to keep the volume at a reasonable level. And the best way to ensure you do that is to spend money on a pair of appropriate headphones.

The proper way to adjust the headset sound is to move the headphone sound to a level lower than what you initially saw. Because external noises make your brain tend to want to hear louder to drown out the noise, it is very easy to shape with ears.