The US suddenly 'fired' IBM supercomputers

The computer once held the title of the world's fastest computer, IBM's Roadrunner was given a 'retirement'.

Picture 1 of The US suddenly 'fired' IBM supercomputers
Roadrunner supercomputer.

Five years after becoming the first system to cross the petaflop threshold (executing thousands of millions of calculations per second), Roadrunner of the Los Alamos, New Mexico, US National Laboratory, was given a 'leave from work'. .

The computer worth $ 125 million, located on 557m 2 space, consists of 6,563 dual processors and geometric processors with more than 296 servers, will be dismantled.

The short working time of this computer is a proof of the tremendous speed of development and improvement of supercomputers.

'Roadrunner is a really progressive idea. It fully integrates what is needed to build and use a supercomputer, 'said Gary Grider, an employee of the computer operations department. Special processors will be used in new systems.

From Roadrunner, researchers can create a new supercomputer, which is 1,000 times faster than this machine.