The world's first Parkinson's vaccine trial

The world's first Parkinson's vaccine has been tested in humans, according to New Scientist .

Picture 1 of The world's first Parkinson's vaccine trial

It is known that in this first trial, 10 patients with Parkinson's disease were vaccinated against Parkinson's disease to fight the disease.

The vaccine is called PD01A , a drug that boosts the immune system to destroy alpha-synuclein, a protein that is thought to cause Parkinson's disease.

Protein is accumulated in the brain, disrupting the production of dopamine, destroying nerve cells and their association, according to Mandler Markus, an expert at Affiris, the company that developed the vaccine.

Most current treatments only reduce symptoms of the disease by increasing dopamine levels.

In total, 32 people will be vaccinated during their first human test. The purpose of the experiment is to ensure safe vaccination. Researchers will also monitor for signs of the development of symptoms if any.