The world's most expensive bent horns cost $ 12 million

Horizon, one of the largest buffalo in the world, lives in South Africa with the world's most expensive, 142-cm long horns of more than $ 12 million.

Horizon, one of the largest buffalo in the world, lives in South Africa with the world's most expensive, 142-cm long horns of more than $ 12 million.

According to Caters News, Horizon is a property that attracts much attention and 25% of its ownership is sold for $ 3 million to merchant Peter Bellingham in South Africa. The buffalo is of such high value because of the great horns and the perfect genome and every farmer wants to breed from it.

Picture 1 of The world's most expensive bent horns cost $ 12 million

The African wild buffalo named Horizon has a record high price.(Photo: Caters News).

Bellingham, one of the five major protected area owners in Africa, acquired buffaloes to attract tourists and Horizon gave them the opportunity to breed the largest and best cattle. For the hunting business in Africa, large horns like Horizon attract the most experienced hunters who want to collect spoils.

Horizon gives the baby good quality that it triples the value of every buffalo that it fertilizes. A pregnant buffalo normally costs an average of $ 55,000 while Horizon's pregnant buffalo is worth more than $ 175,000.

The precious buffalo was originally sold by breeder Jacques Malan. Today, it is owned by four South African traders and lives on the farm of one of the owners, Piet du Toit in Rustenberg, South Africa.

With a value of more than $ 12 million, Horizon far surpassed the $ 2.7 million price of the Buffalo named Mystery in 2013. Each trader has 25% ownership of Horizon and can breed it with 10 cows per year. . They also have the right to own all the offspring that 10 cows give birth to.

Picture 2 of The world's most expensive bent horns cost $ 12 million

Horizon has a pair of 142cm long horns.(Photo: Caters News).

" Horizon is a buffalo with an incredible pair of horns in history, it has no disease and is the largest breeding buffalo . A common buffalo has a pair of horns of 91 - 102cm long, but the size of the horns. Horizon is rarely up to 142cm, rarely when a buffalo transmits the gene to the next generation, sometimes a good buffalo breeds a baby that is not as good as it is, " said Piet du Toit, a 45-year-old breeder.

"But in Horizon's case, the child has a surprising set of genes and so we know that we have young animals of superior quality from Horizon. By breeding super cows with great buffalos like Horizon We are confident that owning the best quality cattle genome South African breeders are the largest market for this animal and are willing to pay a record high price for the cattle genome they believe. could increase the size of the horns of the herd " , Piet du Toit shared.

African wild buffalo once owned horns more than 1.5 meters but hunting has made the largest animals disappear. Breeders are trying to recover the large horned buffalo through the breeding program. That's why a big horned buffalo costs millions of dollars.

Update 16 December 2018



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