There is a cry in the ear

Some people hear sounds that others cannot hear. They are said to be haunted. In fact, these cries appear due to a stimulus on certain parts of the ear or a system that transfers information to the brain.

People call the phenomenon in the ear is ringing in the ears. These are hallucinations of sound or physiological and pathological noises of the body. People put tinnitus in two big categories: subjective calls and objective voices.

Subjective cries

This sound is only felt by patients, many are called haunted. The cry is a completely subjective phenomenon created by the sensory nervous system of the ear when it is pathologically stimulated. In some cases, the cry comes from a real sound in the body: the sound of the heart beating, the blood flowing.

Subjective calls are divided into two categories:

Picture 1 of There is a cry in the ear

The audiogram helps diagnose tinnitus.(Photo: SK & D)

- The sound of music : There is a deep cry like the sound of flies flying, the sound of rice husking, the sound of waves hitting the shells, the sound of the boil of boiling water. There are high-pitched calls such as blow horns, bell rings, crickets, birds singing . These sounds can interfere with your doctor's ability to determine hearing with a hearing aid or audiometer.

- The soundless music is relatively rare, it is the sound of collision, explosion, rubbing.

The intensity of tinnitus has many levels: tinnitus, tinnitus that appears only in quiet nights or tinnitus buzzing leading to insomnia, mental weakness, tinnitus increases when blood rushes to the head. The tinnitus location may meet one or both sides.

Objective cries

Both patients and physicians heard a cry. The cries in the ears are often caused by a contraction of the hammer muscles that stretch the eardrums, like the sound of a dry twig or like a flag. Visit the mobile eardrum when the ear makes a sound.

Out-of-ear sounds such as angioplasty are systolic murmur with pulse, encountered in the case of carotid aneurysms or venous loophole in the neck, tumor roll, artery stenosis. If you crush the big blood vessels in your neck, the sound will decrease or lose.

If you find the cause of an ear cry such as a earwax, or an illness at the ear . then the treatment is to eliminate this factor. Tinnitus can also treat symptoms with sedation, sympathetic nerve blockade or atrial nerve shunting . Need to tie the circuit if the cry is due to aneurysm.

When tinnitus, sudden hearing loss or a ringing in the ear, patients also need to be alert to malignant lesions in nearby organs such as throat cancer. Sometimes tinnitus is a sign of paranoid psychosis .

Tinnitus can also be encountered in cases of poisoning of some drugs used to treat TB . Therefore, when there is an abnormality in the ear, the patient needs to see an ENT specialist.