There is a self-charging phone screen when you use it in the sun

A touch screen that can be used to charge the phone is being tested.

Sunpartner Technologies and Kyocera have been working on developing a photovoltaic device that powers touchscreen phones that produce solar electricity for charging phones.

Picture 1 of There is a self-charging phone screen when you use it in the sun
The process creates photovoltaic screens.

The battery of the smartphone is still a headache for users because of the use of quite a few. And now there are already quite a few of the solar-powered startups that use phone rechargeable batteries like solar powered headphones or solar powered glass windows.

And recently, Sunpartner Technologies has surpassed everything with its photovoltaic display, which makes it easy for any smartphone to generate its own electricity from the sun and charge its own battery.

Picture 2 of There is a self-charging phone screen when you use it in the sun
This phone can turn 3 minutes of sunshine into one minute of phone call.

Sunpartner Technologies has teamed up with Japanese tech giant Kyocera to create a solar powered charger that can turn 3 minutes of sunlight into one minute. call.

This device is integrated with Sunpartner's 0.55 mm thick display, which is located under the surface of the touch screen of the phone. This ultra-thin film has a transparency of 85%, so it will not have much effect on the display function of the screen.

Picture 3 of There is a self-charging phone screen when you use it in the sun
This ultra-thin film has a transparency of 85%.

This technology can be integrated into most telephone devices to prolong battery life of the phone and provide power for emergency charging. More modern, perhaps with a complete design, this technology also has the ability to change the normal phone charging with electricity today.