There is already an HIV vaccine in normal people

Two recent studies show that taking Truvada daily to prevent HIV virus in non-homosexual men and women in Africa, brings new hope in creating a shield to prevent AIDS infection. the whole world.

Picture 1 of There is already an HIV vaccine in normal people

Earlier this year, a study found that pills called Truvada produced by Gilead Sciences did not help prevent AIDS viruses in women in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. However, this study has been denied after the latest 2 studies are published:

In the first study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1,200 men and women were divided into two groups. The first group used Truvada daily, the other half used placebo. Results showed that only 4 of those who regularly took Truvada were infected with HIV compared to 19 in the placebo group. This means Truvada drugs help reduce the risk of infection by 78%.

The second study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented by Washington University with more than 4,700 couples in Kenya and Uganda with HIV-infected spouses. Spouses without HIV infection will receive placebo, Truvada or Viread, another drug from Gilead. Results showed 13 cases of Truvada, 18 Viread users and 47 cases of placebo infected with HIV. Accordingly, Truvada and Viread drugs help reduce the risk of HIV infection from 73 to 62%.

Explaining the relatively low level of infection, the researchers said that all research subjects were provided with free condoms and safe sex counseling.

Studies were published at an AIDS conference held in Rome last week. ' This is good news. This is a significant day for HIV prevention , "said Dr Lynn Paxton, US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who coordinated HIV prevention research.

However, as recommended by the independent survey of the University of Washington, CDC and Washington University rushed to publish the results of the study.

This is also the third and fourth study to widely announce drugs for AIDS prevention. Earlier, it was announced at the end of last year about the effectiveness of Truvada in gay men in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, South Africa, Thailand and the United States (San Francisco and Boston states). These drugs reduce the risk of infection by 44% and 73% or higher in men who use the medicine most often. Then, based on these results, CDC recommended doctors to use Truvada to prevent HIV infection in gay men. However, this program has been stalled when April this year, a study of more than 3,900 women in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa showed that Truvada has no benefit. And this study was rejected with an explanation that the women did not take the medication as often as suggested.

On Tuesday, the United Nations announced that Gilead Sciences (California, USA), one of the world's three largest AIDS drug manufacturers, has agreed to allow certain drugs in the backup group. AIDS is produced in third countries to help increase the chances of using AIDS medicine in poor countries.