There is no brain but plants are smarter than we think

Although there is no brain or nervous system like humans, it is still possible to decide how to develop to maximize their life.

We all know that plants have the ability to make decisions to adapt to the environment, but recent research also shows that plants can make choices when there is a lot of pressure around them to compete. bright with many opponents.

Accordingly, plants have the ability to adapt to adapt to the size and density of surrounding plants. Depending on the conditions of the environment, plants can rise higher than their opponents or switch to live in low light mode.

Picture 1 of There is no brain but plants are smarter than we think
Trees have the ability to make decisions to adapt to the environment.

According to researchers from the University of Tübingen, Germany, some plants may even grow separately from their companions (avoidance behavior).

Michal Gruntman, a member of the research team, said: " There are many documents documenting three typical plant reactions to light competition. Our research seeks to see if plants are capable of choose one of these three ways to adapt to the competitor's density and size in the living environment ', the result is: They are completely possible.

Researchers experimented with Potentilla reptans (strawberry flowers) , and simulated experiments with various natural environmental conditions.

Transparent blue vertical stripe filter is used to adjust the light, as well as adjust the red wavelength of light. This is also the way plants use to react when the light they receive is filtered through the leaves of plants that live around them.

When tested in the surrounding environment including many small broccoli, thick density, Potentilla reptans species react by growing vertically. When tested in an environment of large, tall trees, Potentilla reptans are highly resistant to pornography. Depending on the specific conditions, the tree will reduce the rate of photosynthesis and make their leaves thinner, wider, to gain more light.

Picture 2 of There is no brain but plants are smarter than we think
Plants have the ability to decide how to grow to maximize their life.

Finally, when the environment consists of many tall, thin trees; Potentilla reptans decided to develop a little further away. At this time, the avoidance behavior is highest recorded.

All of these experiments show that, although plants do not have the brain or nervous system like us, they still have the ability to decide how to grow to maximize their life . Anyone who tracks plant growth can easily see that they tend to follow light. But they also have the ability to adapt well to the environment, quickly too.

"In a heterogeneous environment, the ability to choose between different environmental reactions of plants is particularly important. Thus, plants can freely develop with diverse sizes, ages and bile. depending on their appropriate development strategy, " Gruntman said.