There will be ships buffering faster than jets

ET3 stresses that the magnetic train is not only quiet, but also cheaper than aircraft, trains / trains, cars and faster than jet aircraft. If it is realized, passengers can set foot on 2 continents in just 2 hours.

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The maglev (magnetic levitation) is a type of magnetic force transport. Due to no direct friction with the rails, only friction between the ship and the air should the magnetic cushion vessel be able to move at a very high speed, with less energy and less noise. Because of these advantages, magnetic cushion projects have begun to be implemented in many countries such as Germany, Japan and China.

However, domestic is not enough, recently the company Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies (ET3) has proposed a buffer project from the intercontinental, linking New York and Beijing. If it becomes a reality, passengers can set foot on 2 continents in just 2 hours.

Picture 1 of There will be ships buffering faster than jets

ET3 spokesperson stressed that the buffer ship is not only quiet, but also cheaper than aircraft, trains / trains, cars and faster than jet aircraft. ET3's basic plan is to re-use the US Patent 5950543 patent with the name Evacuated Tube Transport - a spacecraft from inside the pipeline (slightly different from a conventional magnetic cushion). This patent has been registered since 1999, 7 years of remaining validity of the invention granted to, Inc. and the company has raised hopes to become a pioneer to raise capital and build the above transport model.

Picture 2 of There will be ships buffering faster than jets

More specifically, ET3 will build a padded ship from superconductors operating in a vacuum round pipe. The ship accelerates using linear electric motors until the desired speed is reached. The motors are integrated into the pipeline, so the inner pill-shaped ship will move without moving components - passive superconducting materials will help the ship "drift" inside the road. tubes while eddy currents (Foucault series) arise in transmission materials that will drive the ship. The efficiency of the system will be very high because the electrical energy needed to speed up the vessel can be recovered when the vessel decelerates.

Picture 3 of There will be ships buffering faster than jets

The most practical system model is developed with the size of cars, passengers and luggage. Ships move in pipelines with a diameter of 1.5m. The pipes are permanently maintained in conditions near the vacuum and the ship is brought into or out of the pipeline through the ventilation ports at the station along the route. After reaching a speed of about 6,500km / h, the ship will float freely in the rest of the trip in the pipeline. Due to running in a vacuum, friction between the ship and the air is also eliminated. However, the shaking from the ship's damping system also reduces a small portion of performance.

Picture 4 of There will be ships buffering faster than jets

The speed of the train will depend on the journey length as the train takes time to accelerate. Assuming acceleration = 1g (~ 9.81 m / s ^ 2), the train will need about 3 minutes to reach a speed of 6,437 km / h and at this point, the train needs more than 161km. believes that the reasonable speed for shorter journeys is about 600km / h. While the pipes are interconnected like highways, the train automatically moves along the pipeline, so short / long routes will need separate pipelines to avoid delays.

Picture 5 of There will be ships buffering faster than jets

ET3 management is currently working with partners in China, where the company has sold a lot of licenses to use the technology. ET3 is an open partner company, technology licensees all become company owners and ET3 says it has sold more than 60 user licenses in 5 different countries.

However, when the license is sold directly via the ET3 website for a price of only $ 100, it will need more people to participate in order to turn the idea into reality.