This is the color of the taxi you should choose to limit the accident

According to scientists, if you want to limit the accident, call a taxi company with a yellow car instead of green.

According to scientists, if you want to limit the accident, call a taxi company with a yellow car instead of green.

A study conducted by scientists in Singapore, led by Professor Ho Teck Hua, shows that yellow cars are 9% less likely to experience accidents than blue ones.

In addition, gold cars are also involved in less than 6 accidents per 1,000 cabs.

It is thought that bright colors increase the visibility of vehicles , enabling other vehicles to easily recognize and avoid it.

Picture 1 of This is the color of the taxi you should choose to limit the accident

Yellow cars are less than 9% less traffic accidents than green cars - (Photo: ibusinesslines).

This theory is supported by the fact that yellow cars are safer than blue ones in low light conditions, such as under street lights.

The group of scientists followed 4,175 yellow taxis and 12,525 blue ones of the same company in Singapore. They use speed data to eliminate the impact of other factors such as driving speed or stop score during the study.

Thereby, the study concluded that the conversion of the entire taxi fleet to yellow cars could save USD 1.4 million per year by reducing traffic incidents.

This is apparently the only study to date that has demonstrated a clear link between vehicle color and traffic accidents.

Picture 2 of This is the color of the taxi you should choose to limit the accident

According to scientists, just change the color of the car, every year can save millions of dollars.(Photo: Bloomberg).

Professor Ho Teck Hua said: "Although there is evidence that the accident rate is higher for dark cars, almost no research has established a causal link between color and ear risk. victims ".

"The findings from our research show that color visibility plays an important role in determining the colors used for public transport. The decision to change all taxis to color. Gold can save lives and reduce millions of dollars in economic damage , " Professor Ho Teck Hua said.

Previously, there were also some studies suggesting the relationship between car color and the risk of accidents. That was a 2003 project in New Zealand. Research shows that people are more likely to get hurt when riding a brown car than a white car. Another Spanish study concluded that dark-colored cars are more potential than light-colored cars.

Update 18 December 2018



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