This tree will probably be the

While scientists in particular and the world in general are still struggling to find innovative methods, in order to solve the problem of environmental pollution and climate change, a tree already exists. For many years in Japan, sometimes it is the key to every problem!

The tree mentioned is the Kiri tree , a native of Japan . It is not wrong to call Kiri a 'super tree', because the ability to clean the environment of this woody tree far exceeds many achievements and technologies in the environmental field that humans have achieved, at the present time. .

Picture 1 of This tree will probably be the
Kiri can absorb carbon dioxide 10 times more than other plants.

It is estimated that Kiri can absorb carbon dioxide, which is the main cause of greenhouse effect, 10 times more than other plants. At the same time, Kiri also returned the superior oxygen level environment.

Besides the ability to filter gas, what makes Kiri even more amazing is the intense vitality. Scientists say Kiri is one of the fastest growing tree species in the world. People can even grow them in areas where both soil and water sources have been polluted. And in the process of maturity, Kiri will help renovate and detoxify the land itself.

Because of these great abilities, Kiri is identified as the 'strategic plant of the 21st century' , to help the people solve their own environmental disasters.

Find out the possibility of 'super tree' Kiri in the video below: