Tobacco addiction vaccine

A vaccine to prevent smokers from absorbing nicotine from tobacco named NicVax is being tested in the United States.

Picture 1 of Tobacco addiction vaccine


This drug reduces interest from smoking by creating antibodies that bind to nicotine molecules and prevent them from entering the brain. Each injection lasts for about a month.

Currently 300 people are receiving repeated injections to see if the effect lasts for months and help them quit smoking. If the tests are successful, NicVax drugs can be marketed within three years.

Dr Victor Reus, who led the study and was a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, said the main problem was whether to increase the doses that would help people quit smoking.

Meanwhile, Thomas Rathjen, a spokesman for Nabi Biopharmaceuticals, made NicVax medicine, said the research results will be announced next year.