Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?

Maybe you are a gourmet, like to eat delicious, novelty dishes and enjoy traveling to satisfy the culinary discovery needs of countries around the world. However, up to 95% sure that you will refuse to enjoy as soon as you see the dishes below because of their macabre and too terrible.

1. Sannakji

You see a bowl of delicious fish sauce and pieces of meat displayed on the plate with torches adding sliced ​​slices of green peppers. However, don't be happy because this dish will scare you.

Picture 1 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Live octopus

This is Sannakji , also known as live octopus, which is served by Korean restaurants for those who need it. Once the guests order the food, the head of the head starts to prepare the dish. Firstly, the tentacles that are still swinging will be chopped and seasoned, then immediately brought to the table. However, because the tentacles of the tentacles are still after being chopped, diners will have to try to chew them before they get into the palate, otherwise the tentacles will stick to the mouth and throat causing them to suffer suffocated to death.

2. A beef dish Yak (Yak Penis)

Picture 2 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Beef dish is very famous in China

This is a very popular dish in China and is made from the beef's seal (genitals of the cow). Chinese people think that they can eat anything with four legs (except the table) and everything that can fly (except airplanes). So, it is not too difficult for them to eat "good" beef. Even those who ate this dish also claimed that cow's bones are good for health and increase the ability of "mat bed"!

3. Tuna Eyeball (Tuna Eyeball)

Tuna eye is a very favorite dish in China and Japan, just boil a little is able to enjoy, often served with garlic and sauce. Tuna eyes are best when the eye part is separated from the fish body while maintaining the eyeball and the surrounding fat layer.

Picture 3 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Tuna eye after being separated from the fish body

This dish has high nutritional value, rich in omega 3, DHA, very good for eyes and brain. However, not everyone can eat tuna eyes because of its eyes as if it is still alive.

4. Scrambled duck eggs

Picture 4 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Flipped duck eggs - a favorite dish of many Vietnamese people

Fluffy duck is one of the popular snacks in Vietnam and is considered a nutritious dish. Apart from Vietnam, this dish is also popular in some other Asian countries such as China, Philippines and Cambodia. However, this is a terrible dish for many people around the world when they can't understand why they can eat an egg when the embryo has developed into a shape?

5. Fried Beef Sandwich Sandwich (Fried Brain Sandwich)

Picture 5 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Cow's "sandwich" sandwich

Fried beef sandwich is a popular dish in India, Central and South America. First, the cow's brain (which can be replaced with calf or pig brains) will be fried, then sandwiched with a tomato, onion and sauce to enjoy.

6. Rock Oysters (Rocky Mountain Oysters)

Picture 6 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Rock oysters are actually beef testicles

The dish called Rocky Mountain Oysters is not fried oysters (Oyster) but actually the testes , which are peeled, pressed flat and fried.

7. Puffer fish (Fugu)

Picture 7 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Puffer fish - a dish with potentially deadly risks

Puffer fish is a fish that contains in itself the highly toxic Tetrodotoxin capable of killing humans at a dose of only 2 -3 mg, often found in fish organs but also in meat so only experienced cooks Only allowed to process this dish. When Tetrodotoxin is poisoned, the victim will numb the mouth and fingers, followed by speech impairment, difficulty breathing and eventually the whole body will be paralyzed, unconscious and dead. Although processed, it is difficult to confirm that Tetrodotoxin is no longer in food.

8. Haggis

Picture 8 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Haggis is an ancient Scottish dish

Haggis is an ancient Scottish dish. The dish is a combination of the "heart" of sheep (heart, liver and lungs), chopped with onion, oatmeal, lamb fat, spice, salt, chopped, mixed together and stuffed in the stomach. thick of sheep and boiled for about three hours. Although Haggis is considered a "National Humor" in Scotland , few people know that it is derived from the fact that poor people do not have enough money to buy meat, so they have to take advantage of sheep's discarded ingredients to cook.

9. Crispy black spider

Picture 9 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Crispy black spider is sold at the market

Large black spiders that have been fried for a long time have been a favorite dish of Cambodian indigenous people but it is really a challenge for foreign tourists. Spiders are mixed well in sweet flour, sugar, salt, pepper, garlic and fried in oil until golden or can be soaked before dropping into a hot oil pan. Spider meat has absolutely no smell and horror like everyone thinks but has a characteristic flavor, quite fleshy, crunchy like crab meat. However, not everyone is brave enough to bring them to their mouths.

10. Living stomachs (San Zhi Er)

The dish of San Zhi Er of China is also known as "3 screams" . This dish is considered to be the most horrifying and cruel among the bizarre dishes around the world. The main ingredients of San Zhi Er are newborn babies. These young mice were previously fed honey to make their flesh sweet, then left raw on a plate.

In addition to mice, this dish also has other spices like aromatic herbs, but the delicious determinant of San Zhi Er is still a specially prepared sauce to dip the mice before enjoying.

Picture 10 of Top 10 most difficult to swallow dishes in the world, do you dare to try?
Prepared stomach mice are processed

The name San Zhi Er "3 screams" comes from the fact that Chinese people think that when they touch the mice with chopsticks to pick them up, they will be frightened and "scream" first. When dipped in a sauce, they will "scream" a second voice. The final "scream" shows the extreme panic of the newly born young mouse when they are placed in the mouth of the eater.After this scream, the mouse will "die" completely and diners can feel the sweetness of the dish.

Chinese people also believe that dishes made from fetal animals or animals that have just been born have a great effect in strengthening the vitality of both men and women. A few hundred years ago, the kings of Chinese dynasties such as Cixi or Queen Qian . all preferred using food from the fetus or newborn animals to increase their ability "bed "!

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