Touch and 'feel' on the screen

Researchers at the Disney Research Institute have found a way to allow people to "feel" the surface of objects displayed on the touch screen.

>>> Microsoft has started offering touch screens for every plane

New technology works in the direction of sending light impulses to the surface, so that users can feel the convex, concave, ridges and edges of an object.

Picture 1 of Touch and 'feel' on the screen
"Sensation" fossilized through the screen - (Photo: Disney Research)

These vibrations fool the fingers into believing they are touching a real surface, the BBC quoted a Disney researcher as saying.

The algorithm that creates the vibration motion can be easily added to the current touch screen.

As the work of Dr. Ali Israr and colleagues at the Disney Lab in Pittsburgh, the technique of shaking is reproduced when a fingertip skips a realistic point.

"Our brains feel 3D bulge on a surface thanks to information received through stretched skin conditions ," said Ivan Poupyrev, head of the Pittsburgh Interactive Research Group.

To deceive the brain that the finger is touching a real object, not just the image, impulses are sent to the screen artificially by stretching the skin at the tip of the finger during the touch.

Researchers have developed algorithms that can "surface" the surface of many different objects, from apples, pineapples, jellyfish to extinct crustaceans, and hills and valleys on a plate. map.