'Transparent cement' will

A group of Italian architects created a kind of 'transparent cement' that helped light penetrate. This material helps your walls look like giant windows.

The new material, dubbed I.light , is made of synthetic plastic with lots of 2-3mm small holes that allow light to pass through without compromising on the durability of the material. If you look at certain angles, this material looks just like normal concrete.

Picture 1 of 'Transparent cement' will
House made of i.light materials at Expo 2010 in Shanghai (China).

I.light material, is a design product of a group of architects of the design company Italcementi (Italy), can be used to reduce the weight of houses and save energy in daylight .

At the Expo 2010 in Shanghai (China), the group of Italian architects used I.light for 40% of an 18m-tall house. This design has received a lot of attention from visitors.

Picture 2 of 'Transparent cement' will
I.light is made of synthetic plastic with lots of small holes from 2-3mm

Architect Enrico Borgarello, head of the design project, said: ' Transparent cement made from synthetic plastics is cheaper than previous transparent fibers. In addition, this material is better able to catch light and has a higher transparency . '

Picture 3 of 'Transparent cement' will
This material helps your walls look like giant windows.

Currently, the design team is applying for a patent for this new material. Italcementi then plans to produce and sell this material worldwide.