Treatment of cancer by protein in the body

The Xinhua News Agency reported a report by scientists from Gunma University in Japan, saying that a human body has a special protein that can make cancer worse and worse.

Picture 1 of Treatment of cancer by protein in the body


Therefore, inhibiting the development of this protein will be a new research method in the preparation of future anti-cancer drugs.

The report, published in the journal 'Cellular Molecules' (USA), shows that the protein called 'Hsp90' is able to enhance the function of 'Polη'.

'Polη' is very easy to distort DNA during copying, thus leading to gene mutation. If the cancer cell's gene is repeatedly mutated by 'Polη', it will make the cancer worse, and make cancer cells more resistant to chemotherapy.

Scientists found that if drugs were used to make the protein 'Hsp90' unable to work, 'Polη' would also be degraded or deactivated, thereby slowing it down sharply. deterioration of cancer.

Professor Takashi Yamashita of Gunma University said previous cancer treatments both inhibited the growth of cancer cells, however, this new finding will help scientists concentrate on the attack. The role of the protein 'Hsp90' - a key factor in cancer, helps to prepare new drugs against cancer.