Tyrannosaurus is an agile or sluggish animal?

Picture 1 of Tyrannosaurus is an agile or sluggish animal? The Tyrannosaurus Rex species are predators or eat corpses? Their habits so far are still controversial. Two new American studies have made this portrait of this 'tyrant lizard' more complicated.

The first study proves that they have some sharp senses, worthy of a skillful predatory animal, while the second study claims they have a slightly stiff and sluggish gait.

The team led by Lawrence Witemr of Ohio University used X-ray imaging with computer-aided support to observe fossil skulls of dozens of T. Rex, to recreate the brain of they, including the inner ear. The researchers deduced that this dinosaur has good hearing and balance, characteristics of small and very fast animals.

Violent dinosaur Jack Homer of the Rockies Museum in Montana discovered the remains of soft tissue on dinosaur spine, especially in the ligament ligament connecting the spine to each other. According to Homer, the ligaments and spine of the dinosaurs stiffened, making them have a heavy gait. He thinks that the tyrant lizard dinosaur specializes in eating corpses.

These studies were presented at Saint-Louis (USA), the place where the annual meeting of the American Science Improvement Association (AAAS) takes place.