Surprise with the appearance of

The newly reborn appearance is also scary, but "younger" than what movies have shown. In addition, the behavior of T-rex also has many differences.

Since being brought to the screen, has become the embodiment of a supreme force, the most powerful creature on Earth in ancient times. Huge size, sharp teeth and roar that shook the earth and sky, no one wanted to think about what to do with this hegemon.

Picture 1 of Surprise with the appearance of
The usual shape of T-rex in movies.

On the film, T-rex is shaped as a reptile with dark blue skin, and an orange dot around the eyes. It is also the image that we think of when referring to this monster dinosaur.

However, according to a recent study published by BBC, the actual appearance of T-rex is not the same as what movies have shown. It is somewhat similar to birds, and especially appearance ."young buffalo" much more.

The study was done by University of Texas professor Julia Clarke, and she believes that T-rex really doesn't have dark blue skin, but dark spots . When observing pieces of fossil dinosaur skin on electron microscopes, Clarke found structures that help produce melanin (also known as melanin, which makes our skin black).

Based on this structure, Clarke compared the animals believed to have relatives of the T-rex in modern times and concluded: T-rex is not dark green, but has brown, black spots. , even gray. These spots can be regionally divided to make dinosaurs camouflaged more easily.

Besides, T-rex also has a cap on the head and back , like the modern hair-dyed guys. The purpose of this constellation is not to insulate like modern birds, but like a way for dinosaurs to play a role in society.

Picture 2 of Surprise with the appearance of
Photos of tyrant dinosaurs after being restored.

Not only does appearance and color, the roar makes T-rex's brand in the film seem like it. According to Professor Clarke, the sound emitted by T-rex will be very low, almost touching down. This sound wave makes it difficult for people to hear, but it can be transmitted very far.

T-rex skull fossilized versions also support this hypothesis. According to archaeologist Larry Witmer from Ohio University, the ear structure of T-rex allows them to be more sensitive to low-frequency sounds, meaning they can hear the sounds of individuals of the same species.

Besides, tomography samples also show that the brain of T-rex is more like a bird's brain than a reptile. They have a sensitive sense of smell, but at the same time very good observation - this is more like modern birds.

Picture 3 of Surprise with the appearance of
T-rex's brain is more like a bird's brain than a reptile.

However, movies are also somewhat accurate in T-rex's ability to attack. With extremely large teeth, T-rex has 40 times stronger bite force than human biting force, which is enough to crush the bones of any animal.

"The bone mass will almost explode when T-rex releases the bite force."