A series of terrifying and previously unrecorded monsters on Earth have appeared one after another, showing that the Earth and its complex evolutionary tree are still a huge
Scientists believe that carnivorous dinosaurs that dominated the planet 150 million years ago may have resorted to cannibalism when food was scarce.
What will happen if humans encounter the Rex tyrant Dinosaur?
In the movie it seems to work, but can we really fool a T-Rex just by not being silent?
Paleontologists claimed to have discovered the mystery behind the
Based on archaeological and skeleton evidence, archaeologists who have completely restored the tyrannical dinosaurs have a very different appearance than previously described.
Since being taken to the screen, T-rex the tyrant dinosaur has become the embodiment of a supreme force, the most powerful creature on Earth in ancient times.
According to Professor Clarke, our lack of sympathy for such sounds can be traced back to the innate memory of long-forgotten predators.
The teeth of the small hole are an unusual feature in the fossil skeleton of the world's largest tyrant dinosaur, Sue, and so far paleontologists have not been able to give a
Giganotosaurus lived in North America 97 million years ago, while T-rex lived in South America 65 million years ago.