Unable to find a more reliable theory than Big Bang

The cause of the formation of the universe is still a big question mark that cannot find a satisfactory answer.

The cause of the formation of the universe is still a big question mark that cannot find a satisfactory answer.

No theory is really big enough to replace Big Bang

According to Futurism, the Big Bang is still the most reliable theory to explain the origin of the universe we know. However, there have been attempts to prove that the universe was born in a much simpler way; Most notable is the "No Border" hypothesis of James Hartle and Stephen Hawking, or the "Tunnel" hypothesis of Alexander Vilenkin. Research by the Max Planck Institute for Gravity Physics (Albert Einstein Institute / AEI) in Potsdam and the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Canada suggested that there is no way to refute the Big Bang - or at least not yet available. .

Picture 1 of Unable to find a more reliable theory than Big Bang

Scientists are still facing many difficulties in finding solutions to the origin of the universe.

Based on the data obtained from the Planck satellite mission, we learned that the universe was made of dense metamaterials and high temperatures 13.8 billion years ago. From there, they begin to expand - and still continue at the present time. The theory of the origin of this universe is known as Big Bang. Although we can imagine how the universe has formed and developed, cosmologists have not been able to explain the state of the universe before Big Bang takes place. According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, the energy density and curvature of space-time in such a large explosion will be infinite - a feat difficult to maintain.

Therefore, "No borders" and "Tunnel" hypotheses are proposed as alternatives. They argue that the universe in its original state is finite, and it arises from nothing, through quantum tunnels. The Albert Einstein team, led by Jean-Luc Lehners, calculated the capabilities of these two hypotheses and realized that they were not big enough to replace Big Bang.

There is still an unknown solution

Lehners and colleagues applied Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle into mathematical models to test "Without Borders" and "Tunnel" hypotheses . They realized these models led to the conclusion that the whole universe was "smooth " and that the universe formed from an explosion was, in theory, created from nothing. Moreover, the more uncertain the universe is, the greater the explosion is, the more likely it is to be formed from tunnels. A "smooth " start may prevent the formation of the universe we know today.

Picture 2 of Unable to find a more reliable theory than Big Bang

There is a theory that the universe is made up of space "tunnels."(photo: Jean-Luc Lehners).

In a press conference, Mr. Lehners said: "The" Without Borders "hypothesis does not apply to the large universe as the place where we live but it is more suitable for small universes, which can be destroyed. cancel immediately ". Thus, despite the gaps in my principles, Big Bang is not something that can be easily rejected.

However, the Lehners team did not give up their intentions. Currently, they will try to find the mechanism of action of large-scale quantum fluctuations, and what has been able to control them in extreme conditions. But, harshly or not, these are the conditions that opened the formation of the present universe. It seems that the more we try to understand the origin of the universe, the more it becomes confusing and causes contradiction - even beyond the limits of science. Until we find a satisfactory answer, Big Bang is still the "number one choice".

Update 17 December 2018



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