Unmanned aircraft, future challenges of airlines

The reporter in Geneva led a UBS study on August 7, Switzerland's largest bank, said unmanned aircraft technology will allow at least $ 35 billion in annual savings.

However, persuading passengers to accept this new technology is not simple.

Unmanned transport aircraft , which is only available on previous movies, are becoming reality. Unmanned transport aircraft will probably be on the market right from 2025. Another positive point is that the profits of airlines using unmanned aircraft may double.

A simple calculation, which is the annual salary paid to pilots up to $ 31 billion, in addition to including 3 billion for professional training. With automatic, unmanned aircraft, the above costs will no longer exist. According to calculations by aviation expert Pascal Kummerling, an automatic aircraft will also consume less fuel. Such benefits will be both economic and environmental. Workers will mainly be information technology experts.

Picture 1 of Unmanned aircraft, future challenges of airlines
Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft Heron.

The prospect of unmanned transport aircraft proved attractive to large corporations in the aviation sector. Boeing hopes to test the new generation right from 2018. Last June, Boeing Vice President Mike Sinnett said: "At the moment, I have no idea that we will But Boeing is studying this project as well as developing algorithms " . Unmanned transport aircraft will have to overcome legal obstacles and persuade moderation personnel, because safety is a leading challenge in the field of air transport.

Eliminating the presence of pilots on board poses many problems. The Kummerling expert said: "The hands and minds of the pilot are needed to land an airplane in strict conditions. Unmanned aircraft technology needs to be improved. Term "2025 seems too optimistic. Perhaps 40 or 50 years to wait for this technology to work." Above all, aircraft manufacturers' research will have to allow for improved automation equipment.

In addition, the technology challenge is not unique, because airlines in the airline industry have to convince their passengers. According to a survey conducted by UBS, only 17% of the 8,000 surveyed passengers said they could be ready to travel with an unmanned aircraft. UBS also said that the cost of flying could be reduced by about 11% for flights in the United States and by about 4% in Europe."One more thing to note, half of the respondents said they would not buy tickets to join the flight on an unmanned aircraft even when the fare is cheaper" , also according to a thick report 53 UBS survey conclusion page.

According to UBS research author, the more young and advanced participants surveyed, the less likely they are to be hesitant with the unmanned transport project. This is a good sign for this technology.