Unparalleled treasure in Egypt: Being 'molded' from many alien worlds

Egypt, a land famous for its many alien treasures unearthed from tombs, continues to possess a peerless treasure that pierces 2 stellar deaths, stealing materials from another world. sneak into the early Solar System.

According to Science Alert, Egypt's strange new treasure may give humanity the first tangible evidence of a "type Ia supernova", the final explosion of a dense white dwarf star, one of the world's most famous events. the most devastating event in the universe that astronomical theories have ever mentioned.

The team, led by geochemist Jan Kramers from the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, used state-of-the-art chemical analysis techniques to understand the details of a Hypatia rock sample without destroying it.

Picture 1 of Unparalleled treasure in Egypt: Being 'molded' from many alien worlds
The Hypatia fragments are a treasure unmatched by astronomy and planetary science

Found in Egypt in 1996, Hypatia has long been identified as something that doesn't belong on Earth. This is not the first time that beautiful alien objects have appeared in this country.

In the tombs and pyramids of ancient Egypt, many times, researchers have unearthed jewelry made of alien materials, showing that Egypt may be a favorite "landing ground" of the ancient Egyptians. meteorites and asteroids in the dawn of the Earth.

Preliminary analysis of the Hypatia rock fragments shows that they contain material from the dust and gas clouds surrounding Type Ia supernovas. Over billions of years, the dust clouds around the supernova will turn solid, which will then coalesce into the parent body of the Hypaita fragments.

This rock found its way to the "nascent" solar system, somehow breaking apart, merging the pieces into the molecular cloud. It is not clear whether they reached Earth before or after the planet formed.

The Hypatia fragment analyzed had unusually low concentrations of silicon, chromium and manganese, suggesting it does not belong to the solar system; It also has high levels of iron, sulfur, phosphorus, copper, and vanadium, suggesting it was not born in the vicinity of space either.

The ratio of iron to silicon and calcium also suggests that it did not come from a typical Type II supernova. Another 15 elements also point to the composition associated with the dense white dwarf, giving scientists a direct link to the "legendary" type Ia supernova.

However, the stone also contains six other "foreign" elements that cannot come from a Type Ia supernova: aluminum, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, copper, and zinc. Scientists theorize that before the white dwarf - which is a giant star like the Sun that died once when it ran out of energy - went into an explosion, it swallowed matter from a giant star. red giant companion, so the supernova inherits all six elements from the red giant.

More research will be needed to write the full fascinating history of the Egyptian treasure Hypatia, but the foregoing findings suffice to suggest that it is an unparalleled treasure for astronomy and planetary science.