Unprecedented facts about cell phones

My cricket is a very special creature. There will be a day when we will save this Earth.

Hello everyone! I'm a cricket here.

He had read through "Mobile Phone" , he probably knew me. Not only did I enter poetry literature, I also appeared on the culinary map of the world.

But asking this question, did you see a thin cricket like me in the flesh (in fact, I don't have bones but . do you understand that)? I think not yet! Even in my hometown, it was difficult to find me (because I lived in a cave in the ground), and there were some people living in the city.

In general, I would like to be allowed to air today so that we can understand each other better, and let you realize that I am really special.

1. Cricket is not a proper name

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You call me a cricket, but actually, cell phone is not a proper name. They had cricket houses with over 900 brothers spread throughout the world. He looked like each other, his head was round, he was standing , his beard was "long to the armpit", different from each color. Like the guy in the "Dieu Adventure Adventure" , the black man ruffled, and the other man had a blue-brown color.

2. Music masters in them

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Do you also know that my crickets can sing? But no school screamed at my throat like cicadas, our singing was a real music.

For those who do not know, only male crickets are able to sing. At the right time, I and the other crickets started singing to attract the female crickets to have fun. Our singing goes up and down, each one has different pitches, forming an extremely special mix.

Unlike the ticks that are overflowing, they will sing one more song at the time of successful pairing, to inform the whole world that they are happy.

And also, we sing to . quarrel and compete for territory.

3. Call to sing, but not my mouth to sing

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There is one point we like cicadas, which is the song that does not come from the mouth. However, cicadas make a sound from the inside of the abdomen, and we call out to the wings.

When I want to sing, my cricket will take one side of the wing, rub with the other.The vibration will create the sound that human beings still call singing.

4. Cricket is a natural thermometer

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My singing will change with the weather. The hotter the sky, the more I sang, and if I remember correctly, mankind used to create an equation to calculate the temperature based on my language.

Let me show you: count the number of voices I emit within 14 seconds, then add 40 to get the temperature at the time of counting. The number is calculated in units of Fahrenheit, if you want to change to C, you will be hard . Google goes.

Yes, I know Google, because I'm a wise cricket!

5. We are the creature that saves this world

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I told you, the cricket house is very famous on the world cuisine map. But the most important thing is that we will sooner or later save the human species.

Think about it: there is meat rich in protein and vitamins, giving birth faster than chickens and pigs, less harmful to the environment, and even more delicious. Will you eat?

If yes, welcome to the era of crickets. But now there are many businesses in the world raising crickets to eat very well. A billion-dollar industry, not a joke.

Forget it too, for those who feel sorry for not eating cute animals like me. Rest assured, the life of our crickets is only a few months, so it can be fun to help this Earth.