Unveil the ultra-durable memory chip technology

Hitachi, Japan's Hi-tech Corporation today announced the technology of memory card chips made of quartz glass that lasted at least several hundred million years.

>>> Chip running by light, heat and vibration

Picture 1 of Unveil the ultra-durable memory chip technology
Chip memory card made of ultra-durable quartz glass

This ultra-durable quartz glass crystal is square in shape with 2cm long, 2mm thick, made of quartz glass, a super durable material commonly used to create laboratory tools, according to the news. News from AFP.

"The risk of data loss from conventional memory cards is high because they are fragile and damaged," said Hitachi's Kazuyoshi Torii . So, we want to create this super-durable memory chip. '

Hitachi says the chip can withstand temperatures of 1,000 degrees Celsius within 2 hours without damage, waterproofing, tsunamis, and radio waves. However, Hitachi has not announced its capacity, according to AFP.

Hitachi has yet to decide when to launch the super-fast memory chip technology on the market, but will initially provide the technology to government agencies, museums and organizations.