Urinate to ... kidney pain!

In recent times, hospitals have received many turns of patients hospitalized for kidney disease, including pediatric patients who have moved to the final stage. Unfortunately, there are many children with kidney diseases that can be prevented and detected early but have been ignored.

School age is easy to get

Picture 1 of Urinate to ... kidney pain! Patients with VTT with end-stage renal failure were treated at Children's Hospital 1 before death ( Photo: L.TH.H ) In late March, at the Department of Kidney Hospital (BV) Children 1 (HCMC ), we witness the final moments of VTT pediatric patients (13 years old, Lam Dong).Two eyes VTT lethargic, hands, feet white, many places on the body bruised because of end-stage chronic renal failure.I could not lie but just gasped, breathing heavily.

My father said I was sick three years ago, he took me to the hospital for treatment but still could not save.In the kidney department, we also met a lot of pediatric patients with enlarged faces, many boys with genital organs with stagnant water .

Doctor Huynh Thoai Loan - head of the kidney department - said on March 28 in the department of 40 patients with severe kidney disease, BV is currently managing 2,200 patients with kidney disease.In 2005, the renal department received 276 turns of patients with nephritis, 510 turns of nephrotic syndrome, 275 turns of lupus erythematosus and 98 times of urinary tract infection . Of which 50 were transferred to At the end of the stage, chronic renal failure requires hemodialysis for life.

According to Dr. Thoai Loan, this is quite a common disease in children, especially school age from grade 1 to grade 9. The treatment is relatively simple if children are detected early.Kidney disease has two types: congenital and acquired.Congenital kidney disease is caused by a urinary tract defect from birth, such as a child without kidney, kidney, bilateral kidney or hydronephrosis.The remaining 70% is caused by acquired kidney disease.

Among children with acquired kidney disease, most are due to nephritis.Children with nephritis may be the result of an infection;due to immune mechanisms such as nephrotic syndrome;due to lupus erythematosus - an unknown form of systemic lesion due to the body producing its own antibodies against its own organs;due to urinary tract infections.

The risk factors for UTIs are because children often hold their urine, drink less water, do not clean after urinating - especially for girls.If recurrent UTIs occur, they will cause a urinary tract infection (infectious nephritis), leading to kidney scarring.If not treated promptly, in the long term, it can lead to chronic kidney failure.

The younger the child, the more severe the kidney damage

Thoai Loan said that on average, every three hours a child urinates once (about 5-6 times a day, does not include sleep time).But in fact many children often urinate, or do not dare to drink water because they have to urinate, but parents do not know.Many children with urinary tract infections when asked by a doctor: 'Do you often urinate?How many times a day do you urinate? 'answered:

'The school toilet is very dirty, I dare not go', or 'At my school, my son and daughter go to a toilet together, I have to go home.'

Toilets in many schools are dirty, overcrowding is not enough for students . is one of the factors affecting children to urinate.Some students also reported that they had to urinate outside during the school hours but the teachers did not allow them to wait until the recess time.

According to Dr. Thoai Loan, in the first 12 years of life, all girls have about 8% of their urinary tract infections once.Younger children (1-5 years old), if they have frequent UTIs but are not treated properly, they are more likely to suffer kidney damage and when left injured, they will have more severe sequelae.

Prevention is not difficult

In the early stages, symptoms of kidney disease are relatively vague and are easily missed if the mother does not pay attention to the child.For early detection, frequent urination should be monitored.Children aged 3-15 years, urinate an average of 0.5-1 liters of urine / day, clear yellow color.

When a child has a variable amount of urine, less frequent changes, changes in color (cloudy, dark yellow, red), the child has frequent urination, weak urine, or a child with urination in prolonged pants . You need to take your child to BV for a urine test.Parents also need to pay attention to the sudden weight gain of the child (2 months in a month), accompanied by the phenomenon of human edema, eye lashes in the early morning to wake up to bring the child to the hospital soon.

To prevent acquired kidney disease, Doctor Thoai Loan recommends to maintain personal hygiene for children, sanitation of the nose and throat, skin hygiene.Practice for children to have daily brushing habits.To prevent urinary tract infection, it is necessary to give the child plenty of water, keep the urine stream clear (urinate when urinating), clean the body.

School administrators need to pay attention to the school's toilets, especially primary school students, not to let children have to urinate because of dirty toilets, lack of toilets . In the long run Urine and ultrasound testing should be considered as a mandatory requirement in the child's enrollment record.In the short term, if possible, parents should have their children tested for urine and ultrasound at least once a year.


Set the focus on toilet inspection

A staff of the Steering Committee of the inter-school health department of HCMC Health and Education - Training said:

- According to regulations of the Ministry of Health (since 2000), non-boarding schools must reach 200 students / toilets, 50 students / 1m of urinal length.The school also has a boarding school with 50 students / toilet and 50 students / 1m of urinal length.With this criterion, almost all schools in Ho Chi Minh City have achieved.But this criterion is too low compared to the actual needs of students, especially at recess hours, students rushing out for a while cannot be enough.

* Toilets in many schools with 'unsanitary' conditions, bad smell, even degradation . make students dare not use. According to you, why?

- The first two issues are water and service personnel.In many places where water is not enough for use, the school must use alum water or dig a well to use water to wash the toilet.As in Nha Be, the school uses alum water for a long time, so lavabo, ceramic tiles, and toilet seats are all covered with red alum.Looking at it is very unsanitary.For schools in remote and disadvantaged areas where difficult schools do not have a lot of contracted staff, the school is difficult to maintain clean and beautiful toilets.In addition, the students must be aware of hygiene.

* Is there a state of teachers, especially at the primary level, limiting student toileting for fear of class disorder?

- If the student has a good reason to ask to go out, no teacher will not give it.

* What are the moves of the HCM City education and training sector in inspecting schools' toilets?

- The board of directors has set a focus on toilet inspection, monitoring a variety of schools and directing the upgrading and repair of toilets in some places.The Department of Education and Training has also set the orientation criteria: the toilet must be a clean and beautiful place of the school.In which there are regulations such as toilets without smell, clean, no water on the floor, enough water, clean, 100% good use equipment .

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