Use a computer to find the truth about telepathy

A team of experts from the University of Manchester in England has built a virtual computer world with the aim of determining whether there is a possibility of telepathy among people.

Picture 1 of Use a computer to find the truth about telepathy This system was created to look like a computer game environment. 100 participants are divided into pairs depending on relationships like friends, colleagues or family members .

They were brought into completely separate rooms in the same building to eliminate the possibility of communicating with each other. Participants will wear 3D monitors on their heads and electronic gloves to help them navigate the computer world.

The person in the first room will see a random object, such as a phone, a ball or an umbrella. They were asked to focus on observing this object and trying to transmit some message to it. At the same time, people in other rooms are given 4 different objects and must choose an object that they believe the other person is communicating with.

Experts from Manchester University's School of Computer Science and Psychology School hope that through this project, they will soon be able to answer the questions: "Is telepathy true or not? It depends. into relationships in life? ".