Vesta is the newborn planet

The new discovery shows that Vesta is not an asteroid but is a newborn planet exactly from Ancient times , but not undergoing accretion and evolution to join the ranks of big brothers. big in the solar system.

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Picture 1 of Vesta is the newborn planet
Asteroid Vesta

Vesta, the second largest celestial body in the solar system's main asteroid belt, is identified with an iron core, a varied surface with different layers of rock and can possess magnetic fields - all necessary signs for a planet. To draw this conclusion, the international team of experts with expert Christopher Russell of the University of California, Los Angeles, spent 10 months studying data sent from NASA's Dawn probe.

According to astronomers, Vesta has been formed within 300 million years since the solar system appeared. About the question why Vesta cannot grow up like other brothers, experts blame Jupiter. When the giant gas planet formed, the orbits of nearby celestial bodies like Vesta were seriously affected. They plunge themselves into each other and gradually decline in size, according to the Science report.