Video: Discovering an extremely rare white whale off Australia

Thanks to the unmanned aerial vehicle, researchers have for the first time captured a rare white whale playing with her mother off the coast of Western Australia.

According to researchers at Murdoch University in Perth (Australia), the whale's color is natural , not because albino resembles Australia's most famous white whale called Migaloo - a back whale. Hunchback is found in warm waters in north Queensland waters.

Picture 1 of Video: Discovering an extremely rare white whale off Australia
An extremely rare white whale was discovered off Australia - (Photo taken from a video clip).

Lars Bejder, head of Murdoch University research team, said in the southern large whale, the rate of birth whales is 5% white, but often they will turn black within 1 year. So the discovery of a white baby whale is extremely rare.

Researchers say they have a sense of reward when they capture the white whale, and have additional material to better understand the animal.

Video of a white whale is rarely seen playing with her mother off Australia.