Video: Herring belly glows blue suspicious of radioactive poisoning

A Kazakh woman suddenly discovers blue light emanating from the belly of the herring while preparing dinner.

According to the IFL Science, Gulbarshin Kaydarova bought herring from a market in Semey, Kazakhstan. After cutting the fish to prepare dinner, Kaydarova noticed that the fish abdomen had strange flesh zones glowing light blue in the dark. The video recorded the glowing scene posted on Youtube on February 26.

Picture 1 of Video: Herring belly glows blue suspicious of radioactive poisoning
Green light emitted from herring belly.(Photo: Youtube).

Kaydarova threw away the fish due to fear of radiation poisoning."This herring emits an ominous blue light. It is not suitable for food , " Kaydarova said.

An explanation for this phenomenon is Cherenkov radiation , in which highly radioactive material in the water shines similarly blue. However, this process only occurs when there is a large energy that causes charged particles to move at speeds faster than the speed of light in water.

In another opinion, the phenomenon may be caused by a bioluminescent bacterium that lives on dead fish called Vibrio phosphoreum .